Skills USA

SkillsUSA is a national career technical student organization for middle school, secondary and postsecondary students, instructors, and members of business and industry enrolled in or associated with trade, industrial, and technical education programs. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. 


SkillsUSA programs include local, state, and national competitions in which students demonstrate career technical education (CTE) occupational and leadership skills. During the annual national-level SkillsUSA Championships, approximately 9,000 students compete in over 100 occupational and leadership skill areas. SkillsUSA programs also help to interpret industry standards for job skill training in the classroom. 

SkillsUSA also increases student achievement in the areas of:
  • Job opportunities and industry contacts.
  • Cutting-edge job skill training.
  • Competing in today's job market.
  • Peer support network.
  • Becoming a professional worker.
  • Respect.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Becoming a responsible citizen.

Key philosophies that SkillsUSA embodies

  • SkillsUSA believes that every student
    has value and purpose. Our goal is to connect every student we serve to meaningful career opportunities that
    can lead to economic security.
  • SkillsUSA exists to prepare career-ready students. There are many additional benefits from active participation in SkillsUSA that often define why students join. However, when graduates can provide for themselves, they have the freedom to live the life they choose.
  • SkillsUSA is a student-led and advisor-facilitated organization. This is important to know and really understand. The student should work the hardest in accomplishing student and chapter goals. To develop the employability and technical skills needed in the workplace, students must do the leading, planning and the implementation work. The advisor serves as a supervisor to guide and provide feedback when needed, to keep the students safe and to reinforce the transferable skills for the student’s success. The student does the work and is able to unpack any failures for growth and celebrate successes. Learning by doing is the key. There may be a few mistakes along the way, but better for the students to learn from the projects and work they do than to do it perfectly the first time.


This SkillsUSA philosophy guides the resources provided to advisors. Take time to think about why you enjoy being an advisor and focus on the development of students so that they can be the future of our workforce, our communities and our country. This is enormously important work, and you are up for it. SkillsUSA is your partner in the pursuit of student and chapter success.

What is SkillsUSA - Video