Suggested Assessment Guidelines

Your assessment procedures should be written out, posted in your room, and explained fully to the students. Your assessment criteria are to be included in the syllabus kept on file in the principal's office.

Writing-(Score according to rubrics in Teacher's Resource Manual) Minimum of seven (7) essays each quarter (See the "Writing Assessment Sequence")

Class Participation-student arrives on time, comes prepared, contributes to class discussion, is attentive, respects* the working environment of his or her peers (also reflected in citizenship grade)

Classwork-includes presentations, cooperative or collaborative group work, large and/or small group discussion, class activities and worksheets

Tests-may be oral, or written; individual or group; students should have advance notification of major tests.
Quizzes-oral or written; individual or group; advance notification or surprise

Final Exam-should be no less 10 percent nor more than 20 percent of a student's grade. Exams must be submitted to department chair one week before final exams.

Homework-is an integral part of the academic program. Homework should be consistently assigned and meaningful for the student.

Citizenship-Five (5) tardies indicate a student's attendance needs improvement.
Seven (7) tardies indicate a student's attendance is unsatisfactory.

Minimum number of grades per student should be no fewer than one per academic week.

*Respect is an attitude toward people that makes them feel welcomed, important, and equal. (1994 MKHS senior students definition)